Monday, July 14, 2008

Lifetime Achievement

This morning I got an email from my sister. She is in Italy for six weeks doing a study-abroad program. It goes without saying that I am insanely jealous of her, but I'm also so happy that she's able to experience this. She had just gotten back from a weekend of hiking in the Alps and sent some pictures of her trip. The image below is one she sent.

There is something so enchanting about the teal water against the rocky mountains. It's because of this photo that I have added hiking in the Italian Alps to my life to-do list. It's a pretty short list, but it's stuff I know I truly want to achieve in my life. It includes qualifying for and running the Boston Marathon, living in NYC, and living in another country for more than 6 months. Maybe if I move to Italy, it won't be so difficult to do a little weekend hike...

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